Machine Learning-Based False Positive Software Vulnerability Analysis


  • Mohammad Shahid Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, India
  • Sunil Gupta Department of Computer Science and Engineering Chitkara University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chitkara University, India
  • MS. Sofia Pillai Department of Artificial Intelligence, Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, India



Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Vulnerabilities, Software, Clustering Algorithm


Measurements and fault data from an older software version were used to build the fault prediction model for the new release. When past fault data isn't available, it's a problem. The software industry's assessment of programme module failure rates without fault labels is a difficult task. Unsupervised learning can be used to build a software fault prediction model when module defect labels are not available. These techniques can help identify programme modules that are more prone to errors. One method is to make use of clustering algorithms. Software module failures can be predicted using unsupervised techniques such as clustering when fault labels are not available. Machine learning clustering-based software failure prediction is our approach to solving this complex problem.


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How to Cite

Mohammad Shahid, Sunil Gupta, & MS. Sofia Pillai. (2022). Machine Learning-Based False Positive Software Vulnerability Analysis. Global Journal of Innovation and Emerging Technology, 1(1), 29–35.