
  • Gaurav Kapoor Department of Electrical Engineering Modi Institute of Technology, Kota, India




Distribution line protection, fault identification, Fourier analysis, wavelet analysis


Fault identification is a significant task on a distribution line (DL) when a harsh disturbance occurs due to breakdown of insulation on a DL. The termination of fault diagnosis on DL should be done as soon as probable to avoid further economic and communal costs due to interruptions of load. This paper proposes the application of wavelet and Fourier analysis for mapping the connection between 3-Φ current signals at one terminal and fault information on the DL. The proposed relaying system allows automatic adaption of the feature extraction accountable for fault identification. Simulation results performed by MATLAB, verify the high precision of the proposed relaying system in shaping the fault identification. In these simulations, it is exposed that the relaying system is independent of the parameters of the DL and accordingly, it is better to the active schemes.


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How to Cite

Gaurav Kapoor. (2022). A RELAYING COORDINATION FOR DISTRIBUTION NETWORK PROTECTION. Global Journal of Innovation and Emerging Technology, 1(1), 15–19. https://doi.org/10.58260/j.iet.2202.0103



Research Article